Speaking & Coach Mentoring


Women's Business Collaborative

Supporting Women in Business

Laurel is the founder and organizer of Women’s Business Collaborative in Raleigh/Durham North Carolina.  The mission of the Women's Business Collaborative Meetup group is to be a place of support for women who are looking to start or grow a business in the greater Raleigh area. We understand the complex issues and needs that go along with being a women business owner, entrepreneur, business that caters to women, or simply a woman navigating in the corporate world.  The WBC meets regularly in a variety of capacities through the year.


Coach Mentoring

You cannot simply learn how to have a successful Coaching Business by taking a weekend course or learning online. Those can be a great start to your journey, but there is so much more that goes into being a great Coach! 

Laurel loves to work with coaches to develop their skills and individual style.  Laurel currently works with students of the Duke Health & Well-Being Coach Training as a Coach Training Assistant.  She not only loves helping them to improve on their coaching skills but also truly enjoys helping Coaches build authentic and successful businesses.


International Coach Federation-Raleigh Area Chapter

Laurel was the ICF-RAC 2018 Conference Committee Chair.  This is a volunteer driven event that was held on October 12th, 2018.  The 2018 conference will focused on speakers & activities supporting coaches in 3 key growth areas: SELF-CARE, AUTHENTIC VALUE and BUSINESS VISIBILITY.